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本照片於2018年12月2日於發展項目地段的附近上空拍攝,並經電腦修飾處理,並不反映發展項目及其周圍環境現時之實際景觀及狀況,及/或不同地點與發展項目的實際距離,僅供參考。本照片所顯示之景觀並不代表或反映發展項目任何一個住宅單位可享有的景觀。 本照片于2018年12月2日于发展项目地段的附近上空拍摄,并经电脑修饰处理,并不反映发展项目及其周围环境现时之实际景观及状况,及/或不同地点与发展项目的实际距离,仅供参考。本照片所显示之景观并不代表或反映发展项目任何一个住宅单位可享有的景观。 This photograph was taken in the airspace in the vicinity of the development on December 2, 2018 and had been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques, and does not illustrate the actual view of and from the development and its surrounding environment and the actual condition of the development and its surrounding environment, and/or the actual distance between various locations and the development, and is for reference only. The view shown in this photograph does not represent or reflect the view that any residential unit of the development may enjoy.

此相片於2019年3月4日於發展項目附近上空拍攝,並經電腦合成技術及修飾處理(包括移除天台之吊船及吊臂)及刪除部份周邊建築物及環境,僅供參考。相片並不反映發展項目的真實景觀及環境狀況,所有環境亦可能不時改變。單位所享有之景觀受其坐向、樓層及周邊建築物所影響,本廣告並不構成任何賣方就本發展項目及其景觀不論明示或隱含之要約、承諾、陳述或保證。有關發展項目的詳細資料,請參考售樓說明書。賣方亦建議準買家到有關發展地盤作實地考察,以對該發展地盤、其周邊地區環境及附近的公共設施有較佳了解。 此相片于2019年3月4日于发展项目附近上空拍摄,并经电脑合成技术及修饰处理(包括移除天台之吊船及吊臂)及删除部份周边建筑物及环境,仅供参考。相片并不反映发展项目的真实景观及环境状况,所有环境亦可能不时改变。单位所享有之景观受其坐向、楼层及周边建筑物所影响,本广告并不构成任何卖方就本发展项目及其景观不论明示或隐含之要约、承诺、陈述或保证。有关发展项目的详细资料,请参考售楼说明书。卖方亦建议准买家到有关发展地盘作实地考察,以对该发展地盘、其周边地区环境及附近的公共设施有较佳了解。 This photograph was taken in the airspace in the vicinity of the development on March 4, 2019 and had been edited and processed with computer synthesizing techniques (including the removal of gondola and jib on the roof top) and computerized imaging techniques and some surrounding buildings and environment have been removed from the photograph, and is for reference only. The photograph does not reflect the actual view of or from the development and the environmental condition of the development and all environment may be subject to change from time to time. The view enjoyed by a unit is affected by the unit’s orientation, level and surrounding buildings. This advertisement does not constitute any offer, undertaking, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, on the part of the vendor as to the development or its view. For details of the development, please refer to the sales brochure. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.

相片於2018年11月12日於發展項目之示範單位富豪‧山峯第8座9樓B單位拍攝,並經電腦修飾處理,僅供參考。相片内展示的裝置、裝修物料、設備、裝飾物及其他物件等不一定在住宅單位出現,僅供參考。住宅單位所享有之景觀受其座向、樓層及周邊建築物所影響。有關相片並不構成亦不得詮譯成賣方作出任何不論明示或隱含之要約、承諾、陳述或保證。 相片于2018年11月12日于发展项目之示范单位富豪‧山峰第8座9楼乙单位拍摄,并经电脑修饰处理,仅供参考。相片内展示的装置,装修物料,设备,装饰物及其他物件等不一定在住宅单位出现,仅供参考。住宅单位所享有之景观受其座向,楼层及周边建筑物所影响。有关相片并不构成亦不得诠译成卖方作出任何不论明示或隐含之要约,承诺,陈述或保证。 This photograph was taken in the show flat of the development located at Flat B of 9th Floor of Tower 8 on November 12, 2018 and had been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques, and is for reference only. The fittings, finishes, appliances, decorations and other objects therein may not appear in the unit and is for reference only. The view enjoyed by a unit is affected by the unit’s orientation, level and surrounding buildings. This photograph shall not constitute or be construed as any offer, undertaking, representation or warranty, whether express or implied, on the part of the vendor.

免責聲明 免责声明 Disclaimer

賣方:Eminent Gold Investments Limited
賣方的控權公司:Rimmel Holdings Limited, P&R Holdings Limited 百富控股有限公司, Paliburg Development BVI Holdings Limited, Paliburg Holdings Limited, Century City BVI Holdings Limited, Century City International Holdings Limited
已為發展項目的建造提供貸款的任何其他人:Rimmel Holdings Limited

卖方:Eminent Gold Investments Limited
卖方的控权公司:Rimmel Holdings Limited, P&R Holdings Limited 百富控股有限公司, Paliburg Development BVI Holdings Limited, Paliburg Holdings Limited, Century City BVI Holdings Limited, Century City International Holdings Limited
已为发展项目的建造提供贷款的任何其他人:Rimmel Holdings Limited

District: Shatin
Name of street and street number of the Development: 23 Lai Ping Road
The address of the website designated by the Vendor for the Development for the purposes of Part 2 of the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance: www.mountregalia.hk#
The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this advertisement/promotional material represent an artist’s impression of the development concerned only. They are not drawn to scale and/or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. Prospective purchasers should make reference to the sales brochure for details of the development. The vendor also advises prospective purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby.
# Website containing electronic copies of sales brochure, price list(s) and register of transactions.
Vendor: Eminent Gold Investments Limited
Holding companies of the Vendor: Rimmel Holdings Limited, P&R Holdings Limited, Paliburg Development BVI Holdings Limited, Paliburg Holdings Limited, Century City BVI Holdings Limited, Century City International Holdings Limited
Authorized person for the Development: Mr. Chan Ka Keung
The firm or corporation of which an authorized person for the Development is a proprietor, director or employee in his or her professional capacity: Paliburg Development Consultants Limited
Building contractor for the Development: Sunnic Engineering Limited
The firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development: Mayer Brown
Authorized institution that has made a loan, or has undertaken to provide finance, for the construction of the Development: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, Hang Seng Bank Limited, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, The Bank of East Aisa, Limited
Any other person who has made a loan for the construction of the Development: Rimmel Holdings Limited
Please refer to the sales brochure for details

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